Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Tribute to Mothers

With Mother’s Day approaching this weekend, I have been thinking about occasions throughout the year that I have shared with my mother, sisters and daughter and hoping that they will continue.

Like many women, we often gather at the Johns Hopkins annual women’s health conference A Woman’s Journey to be together, attend lectures that interest each of us, and spend the rest of the weekend chatting about our new found knowledge conferning vitamins, preserving our memories or treating diseases. Aside from becoming healthier, it’s always an exhilarating day. We each go our own ways—my mother sisters and daughter attend many of the 32 seminars while I am running the conference. We convene and listen to keynote speakers at breakfast and lunch; one family among 1,000 other women.

So as Mother’s Day approaches, think about making a date with the other women in your life to attend A Woman’s Journey on November 14, 2009, share this amazing experience and join our family!


PS. Have a happy mother’s day!

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