Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Mastering the Art of Healthy Cooking

Finally. With much anticipation, last night I saw the new movie Julia and Julie. Most people have enjoyed the movie about cooking legend Julia Child and a young women who decides to write a blog as she works her way through Julia Child's 700-page classic, Mastering the Art of French Cooking. For me, however, the movie was personal.

I began cooking with only two cook books on my kitchen shelf: Mastering the Art of French Cooking volume 1 and volume 2. As the movie illustrates, these books are as much about technique as they are recipes and butter. Years later, my copies of these classic cookbooks are well dog eared and food stained. I have cooked my way through crepes, souffles, sauces and especially tarts.

More recently I have learned to adapt many of the recipes using what Hopkins dietician Lynda McIntyre calls "power foods." Blueberries, almonds, spinach etc. are foods that provide antioxidants and help us fight disease. That's why I am particularly anxious to hear Ms. McIntyre's presentation at this year's annual Johns Hopkins Medicine women's health conference, A Woman's Journey. In planning this year's program, I learned that certain combinations of foods help maximize the benefits we can derive while eating.

I am always searching for new recipes as well as advice. On November 14 I plan to leave my wooden spoons and copper pots at home and head to the Hilton to learn how to master the art of healthy cooking.

Hope to see you there,

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